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"Inner-Child" Healing Oil

In this area you'll find information about your Healing Oil blend , how-to use it and a few different Meditations that you can use with it.
"Inner-Child" Healing Oil Benefits
This Healing Oil blend was created to assist you when dealing with issues concerning Self-Love and can help you improve:  
  • Awaken your Inner-Child
  • Release painful Childhood memories
  • Calms and improve Inner-Serenity and Peace
  • Improves Inner-Strength and Courage
  • Connects with True Self
  • Improves Self-Confidence 
  • Connects to innate Playfulness
This Healing Oil Blend is gently infused with Lavender, Roman Chamomile, Vainilla, Lemon, Fennel and Frankincense and will help you to let go of of old painful memories, connect to your natural playfulness and fun self. This Healing Oil, like all others have also been infused and blessed with Reiki Healing Energy and Angelic Healing.
How-to Use this Releasing Oil
Follow the guidelines bellow for optimal use of your blend! 
  • You can use the "Inner-Child" Healing Oil blend 1 to 3 times a day. If you choose to use it only once a day, use it just before going to bed. 
  • After use check how you feel so to assess a personal optimal frequency of application.​ If 3 times a day feels too much, reduce application to 2 times a day, if twice is too much apply it only once a day. If once a day is still too much apply it every two days. Check how you feel and respect what you feel!
  • Apply the "Inner-Child" Healing Oil to the chest, wrists, forearms and the area of the Sacral Chakra (4 fingers bellow the bellybutton). At night apply to all above places and also to the soles of the feet. If you feel it's too strong to apply it on upper areas of the body then apply it always to the soles of your feet.
  • As you rub it gently to your chest area, wrists and forearms, soles of the feet, make soft circular movements. As you do this you can use one of the Meditations bellow so to increase the Healing power of your oil blend.
  • Make the moment you use the blend, a sacred moment for yourself. :)
The Empower Yourself Project - Inner-Child Healing Oil
The Empower Yourself Project - Awaken "Inner-Child" Healing Oil
"Inner-Child" Meditations
You can use one of the meditations bellow regularly or you can also use different Meditations during the day accordingly to how you feel, the time you have or where you are.
Mindfulness Meditation 
As you apply the oil be present and aware of any sensations, feelings, emotions, thoughts, images that the healing smell and feel of the oil may make arise. Allow yourself to be taken away by the wonderful smell and the smooth velvety sensation as you massage it on your skin. Stay with all the grounding but playful feelings and sensations. Anchor your awareness to those fun, serene feelings and stay with them until you finish the application. 
Affirmation Meditation 
As you apply the oil you can use the following affirmation:
"I love my past, my present and my future. All is healed. All is forgiven." 
Use this affirmation as you breath in and out naturally, repeating this affirmation as Mantra. Repeat it mentally or out loud, several times, until you finish the Healing Oil application. After you finish the oil application you can also extend the Meditation by continuing to repeat your "Mantra" for the length of time you feel needed. You can also use this affirmation whenever you feel overwhelmed with stress. 
Visualisation Meditation 
As you apply the oil you can also choose to visualise purple and orange bright light entering your crown chakra (top of the head) and slowly filling your whole body, head and neck, going down your shoulders, arms and hands, filling your chest, abdomen, pelvis, and down into the legs and feet. Visualise yourself as a small child, smiling and radiant with happiness and joy, playing without a care in the world. Now visualise yourself now, smiling and radiant with happiness and joy, totally healed from any past pain, filled with serenity and contentment
Guided Meditation 
As soon as possible, I'll post a free Audio with a special Guided Meditation for the "Inner-Child" Healing Oil! :)

Click Bellow to Know more about our blends and the Meditations that go with them

Click Bellow for DYI Essential Oil Blends Recipes


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